Repair Cafe | Update

This coming Saturday morning  gives Horsley residents another chance to have new life breathed into household and personal items that have given up the ghost. Bring them along to the Repair Cafe in the Canterbury Rooms next to St Martin’s Church between 10.00 and 12.30 where our team of volunteers will be on hand to administer their wizardry. Our seamstresses will be there as well to repair garments and other textiles – although please note that alterations cannot be undertaken. There’s free parking at Horsley Towers thanks to the generosity of the hotel management and once inside the cafe there’s tea, coffee and cake available while mending is carried out.

The repair service is without charge although a donation towards running costs would be appreciated by the organisers.   

Pet Pitstop

Horsley Station Ambassador Richard Bunce now taking care of pets as well as passengers.

Cash Facility Returns to Station Parade

If you have not already noticed, a new ATM has been installed in Station Parade.

Horsley Repair Cafe

There was huge excitement (and a bit of trepidation!) in the air on 6 July as East Horsley opened its first Repair Cafe. The aim of this new venture is for a team of local volunteers to fix broken items which would otherwise end up in landfill sites. There was a steady stream of ‘customers’ bearing, amongst other things, broken kettles as well as a Hetty the Hoover, a high-level lopper, a garden fork, earphones, a suitcase, an old sewing machine, a silk dressing gown, a Karcher pressure washer and an old pocket watch. Quite a selection! 

On arrival, your item will be assessed to see if a fix is possible. If it is, you are then assigned to a repairer. We can’t promise to coax everything back to working order but our enthusiastic team will do their best. The service is free, although to meet running costs donations are encouraged. We are always looking for volunteers to help with repairs including textiles, and catering, so if you want to get involved email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

And finally, while your item is being attended to, you can enjoy tea or coffee with scrumptious home-made cakes. The Cafe is open for business on the first Saturday morning of each month.  Together we can do our bit to save the planet!

"Great Service" - "It was lovely to visit people with different skills. The service was perfect" - "They were not defeated, kept working on until they had got it fixed and working" - "Fantastic service"

The Horsley Repair Cafe Opens Its Doors

The Horsley Repair Cafe opened its doors yesterday for the first time, at the Canterbury Rooms alongside St Martin’s Church.

Items the team of local volunteers restored to working order include a vacuum cleaner, tree loppers, a coffee maker, binoculars, an earring, a paper shredder and a suitcase. Some items, alas, had the last rites read, meanwhile others were taken home by volunteers to undergo longer but hopefully successful treatment. Textiles, too, including a bath gown were mended while the owner mixed with other ‘customers’ over a beverage and cake and biscuits. 

Donations for work done were gratefully accepted and the organisers extend their appreciation to the management of Horsley Towers for offering free car parking.

The Repair Cafe will be open for business on the first Saturday morning of each month so if you have an article of clothing that needs attention or some other item that requires coaxing back into life then come along next time on Saturday 3 August.

Thank You To The Drift Golf Club

The East Horsley Road Safety Task Group thanks General Manager Tom Parrish and his team at The Drift Golf Club for adjusting the curbing at the entrance to the driveway. An unwelcome pinch point in the road has now been eliminated.

Horsley Repair Cafe Opens Saturday 6 July

The Horsley Repair Café will be open for business between 10am and 12.30pm at the Canterbury Rooms next to St Martin’s Church in Ockham Road South where an enthusiastic team of skilled local volunteers will be on hand to coax all manner of broken items back into working order.

They will take on textiles that need mending, IT equipment, almost anything electrical or mechanical and even toys that have seen better days.

In return, if the repair can be successfully completed then a small donation will be requested which will go towards any spare parts and general outgoings. 

So, by not throwing away the item, pressure on the environment will be eased, your pocket will take a less severe hit and there’s the opportunity to enjoy the company of others over tea or coffee and a slice of cake. 

Villages Against Wisley New Town - It may not be final… A challenge to Inspector’s Decision.

A public meeting will be held on Monday 10 June at 7.15pm in East Horsley Village Hall.

The Friends of Horsley and Effingham Junction Stations Celebrate 5 Years

Some of you might not know that East Horsley has two stations, Horsley and Effingham Junction. East Horsley Parish Councils Railways Task Group consists of two volunteer groups, The Friends of Horsley and Effingham Junction Stations.  They recently met at Horsley Station for a glass of bubbles and cake, to celebrate the fifth year of their formation.  We'd like to thank all the volunteers on behalf of the residents of East Horsley for their hard work in looking after our stations appearance and ensuring that regular users and visitors to the area are always given the best welcome possible.

If you would like to be part one of these active groups, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

A New ATM for East Horsley

A new ATM has been installed at the Post Office, with no charge for transactions.

Annual Parish Meeting Held in The Great Hall of Horsley Towers

The Annual Parish Council Meeting held in The Great Hall of Horsley Towers last night, proved to be a great success. The hall was filled to capacity with only standing room left for late comers. East Horsley Parish Council would like to thank those who took the time and trouble to attend the meeting, where they were given the opportunity to hear directly from councillors on what they have been doing over the last year and their plans for the following year/s ahead. Many local issues were raised in the Q&A, which the councillors were able to answer directly. In the second half of the meeting, following refreshments, attendees were given the opportunity to listen to Daniel Skyes, Cyber Protection Officer for Surrey and Sussex Police talk about the techniques used by scammers to part you from your hard-earned cash and, more importantly, how to avoid becoming yet another victim. 

If the meeting has whetted your appetite and you would like to find out more about the Parish Council or if you would like to explore the possibility of becoming a councillor, we would be delighted to hear from you. Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pedestrian Footpath on Forest Road

A project first started by residents 15 years ago to provide a safe pedestrian footpath along Forest Road, has now seen the completion of the section at the lower end of Forest Road extending the path to the junction with Woodland Drive.