The Parish Council has a statutory right to be notified of every planning application submitted relating to the parish, and to make representations to the Planning Authority (Guildford Borough Council). The Parish Council delegates the consideration of planning applications to its Planning & Environment Committee (which also monitors local environmental threats and problems). Members of the public are invited to attend the Committee’s meetings and make representations.
Planning Meetings take place on Mondays (unless otherwise stated below) at 7.30pm in the Parish Meeting Room, East Horsley Village Hall.
The Agenda and the Minutes will be placed on the PC Noticeboards at Bishopsmead, Effingham Junction, and Station Parade as well as the website.
Planning meeting dates
January 9th (Tuesday)
February 19th
March 4th & 19th (Tuesday)
April 2nd (Tuesday), 16th (Tuesday) & 29th
May 14th (Tuesday)
June 10th (at 6pm) & 24th (at 7pm)
July 8th & 23rd (Tuesday)
August 6th (Tuesday)
September 16th & 30th
October 15th (Tuesday) & 28th
November 11th & 25th
December 9th
If you require more information please contact the Planning & Environment Committee Chairman, Robert Taylor:
Next planning meeting agenda
Council Planning & Environment Meetings are held in the Parish Council Meeting Room, East Horsley Village Hall, Kingston Avenue, East Horsley, KT24 6QT.
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend these meetings.
The Agenda 11 November 2024 is posted here and on our noticeboards at Bishopmead Parade, Effingham Mini Mart on Forest Road, & Station Parade, in the preceding week.
Any residents wishing to comment on a specific planning application should continue to submit these to Guildford Borough Council in the usual way - these are always considered by the Parish Councillors as part of their review process.
Planning meeting minutes
The minutes for the last three months’ Planning & Environment Committee meetings are provided below. Minutes of older meetings are available from the parish clerk on request.
Minutes of PEC Meeting 30 September 2024