Secure Your Home: Burglary Advice

A lot of the burglaries reported recently involve the offenders entering a home via back doors, windows, or conservatories.

These entry points are typically weaker because we all fall into the trap of believing that something out of sight is out of mind. If the front of your house looks secure, there’s no way a burglar will bother checking the back, right?


Even if you have a fearsome guard dog like the one here (best weapon: death by licking), don’t take any chances. Spend some time this weekend securing your home from every angle.

Our top tips?

·       Check those windows and doors – are the frames in good condition?

·       Install a motion sensor light to catch any unwanted visitors in its beam.

·       Got an alarm system? Make sure it covers any extensions or conservatories.

Confident that your home is safer than Fort Knox? You might still be able to help us keep your neighbours and your community safe. If you spot any suspicious activity in your neighbourhood on your CCTV, dashcam or video doorbell, make sure to report it to our suspicious activity portal here 

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