Wisley Airfield

Planning Appeal To Start In September

PLANS TO DEVELOP a new settlement at Wisley airfield will be decided by Planning Inspector, Cristina Downes, with the public inquiry due to start in Guildford on 26 September.

This spring Taylor Wimpey filed their planning appeal citing grounds of ‘non-determination’. Guildford Borough Council (GBC) still went ahead and held their own Planning Committee on 10 July when councillors voted unanimously (but hypothetically) to refuse the application.

East and West Horsley Parish Councils have again teamed up as a joint ‘Rule 6 party’ and have submitted our Proof of Evidence.

Three other Rule 6 parties are also objecting to the Taylor Wimpey appeal:

Ockham Parish Council, Wisley Action Group

(WAG) and RHS Wisley are jointly leading the Rule 6 objectors’ cause. They are represented by barrister Richard Harwood KC, who also led for WAG in the 2017 appeal. Their expert witnesses intend to address air quality issues, ecology, road traffic and planning matters.

Ripley Parish Council and Send Parish Council are another joint Rule 6 party. VAWNT (‘Villages Against Wisley New Town’) are the fourth Rule
6 objector, representing residents opposed to this development.

The appeal hearings are open to the public and will be held in the GBC Chamber, except for the first week when larger crowds are expected, with sessions to be held at the nearby Guildford Baptist Church. The inquiry is scheduled to close on 28 November.